Tuesday, October 25, 2011

That's how they do it in Montana!!! :0)

As seen in the Bozeman Chronicle:
Missoula: Armed pharmacist foils robbery attempt

An 80-year old Montana pharmacist and Army veteran foiled a robbery attempt by pulling
"a big, black pistol" on a masked man demanding prescription painkillers.

Missoula County Sherri's Deputy Jason Johnson tells the Missoulian the robber screamed and ran out the door of a Lolo pharmacy toward U.S. Highway 93 on Thursday afternoon. The suspect was seeking oxycodone. He did not display a weapon.

The owner of Lolo Drug, who asked that his name not be used, foiled a 1999 holdup by grabbing the barrel of the would-be-robber's .44-caliber revolver, twisting the gun away and pointing it at the intruder, who fled.

Johnson says the sherriff's office does not recommend confronting the robbers.

(My words:) YOU GO GRANDPA!!!! :0)

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